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The final milestone will show the team completing the project and having a fully functioning system ready to use with the non-human primate subjects at the Brevard Zoo. As part of this milestone, the team will accompany Dr. Proctor to the zoo and perform some live testing of the system and get some initial data collection complete. This testing will expose any last minute issues that will need to be addressed before the project can be considered complete.
The software at the end of this milestone will be fully functional and operable for both the human user and the non-human primate subject. All of the code will be uploaded to Github and Open Science Framework and available to all who would need access.
The hardware shall be complete and tested before the live test at the zoo and an appropriate housing shall be constructed to contain all the hardware elements. Initial housing will be constructed out of wood with future plans to have a custom molded or 3D printed casing for the hardware.